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Savings Clubs

Savings Clubs are a smart way to save for special events for your family and give your credit cards a break, too!

Holiday Club. Enjoy a brighter holiday season without credit card bills piling up later, with a Vacation Holiday Club account, also known as a Christmas Club. Just set a little aside each paycheck and watch it grow. Your deposits earn interest all year! With optional payroll deduction, your contributions can be automatic and painless. Balances are moved over to your regular savings account as of October 1. See this vacation club website for more details.

Vacation Club. Wouldn’t you like to get away—for a dream vacation or a relaxing road trip? Vacation Club savings makes it easy to put money aside for family getaways and avoid credit card debt. Optional payroll deduction makes saving easy. So start saving now—then start packing!

Check our current Savings Club Account Rates.

Open a Savings Club Account today. Call us at (315) 463-8333.

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