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Save for a brighter future and give yourself a tax break. It’s simple, really. The less you pay in taxes, the more your money can grow. Our Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) offer a variety of significant tax advantages. And they offer tiered rates that help you save more over time.

With our IRAs, it’s easy to save for retirement or for education. Start by choosing the IRA that’s right for you. Click here for more information.

Traditional IRAs—Pay no taxes on your savings until you retire, when you’ll probably be in a lower income bracket.

Roth IRAs—Pay taxes on investments now, but enjoy tax-free savings and increased flexibility when you retire.

Educational IRAs—Coverdell ESAs are IRA-like savings tool for education; enjoy tax savings as you save for your children’s education.

IRA Certificates—Like short-term CDs, they offer the same great tax benefits as a standard IRAs at a higher yield. Traditional, Roth and Educational IRA Certificates are available.

IRA Rollovers made easy—If you’re changing jobs, we can make sure you don’t take a tax hit on your 401(k); roll over pension funds, 401(k)s or existing IRAs with other financial institutions.

Need help choosing the right IRA? Give us a call and speak to a Member Services Representative. (315) 463-8333

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