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Online Banking

Cross Account Transfer Form

Keep your money in the family. Need to send funds to your child at college? Want to put a little extra cash your spouse’s FocalPoint account? Here’s a quick and easy way to transfer money from one member’s FocalPoint account to another.

Transferring money is quick, simple, secure:

  1. Download a Cross Account Transfer Form
  2. Complete the form and sign it
  3. Designate which bank card you want your merchant account deposits to go into.
  4. Fax it or bring it to the FocalPoint branch nearest you
  5. We’ll establish the connection allowing you to transfer money from your account to another FocalPoint account
  6. If you’d like your money to be transferable to and from both accounts, simply fill out two versions of the Cross Account Transfer Form, one for each account

It’s that easy! This is a one-time form and will not allow the other member to withdraw money from your account.

NOTE: Please make certain the accounts transferring and receiving funds are both active and jointly held FocalPoint home banking accounts.

Download a printable Cross Account Transfer Form here

Fax completed form to: 315.463.2142

Or bring it to your FocalPoint branch.